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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

Since ancient times, sales funnels have been part of traditional marketing and business. Recently, it appears to me that the topic of funnels being used in Internet business is appearing everywhere on the web.

It is evident that many are eager to learn more about this idea and the ways they can apply it to improve their online business marketing efforts. If you would like to know something more about the sales funnel to help you with efficient Internet marketing, I encourage you to read on.

What is the Sales Funnel?

A marketing funnel isn't a real funnel. The marketing concept employs the word "funnel" to describe a sales process, from beginning to finish. Since it has a broad opening for customers who are "Unqualified prospects" on the top and an even smaller opening to convert sales in the middle,, the term funnel is an accurate comparison.

The "unqualified prospects" Also known as those who aren't competent, will be at the top of the funnel. They might require your product or service but have never been contacted before. After a few sales and promotions you'll have people who have purchased your product or service.

The effectiveness of the lead generation funnel is from the fact that it allows you to track potential prospects' actions during different stages of the lengthy selling process. The sales funnel allows you to predict the number of potential customers that will eventually become customers by calculating the prospects who are qualified at each step.

A sales funnel will help you see where your sales process fails or succeeds or if your marketing campaign is not getting enough prospects. This will help you decide where to put your effort to make sure that sales are on the right level and to meet the marketing objectives. It's used as a method to monitor and control the sales process of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top Front The Sales Funnel Front End

The most important section of your sales funnel will require the most constant testing and will be the most active. There are virtually no limits to your creativity or resources when it comes to front-end strategies.

The main purpose of the front end is to draw in prospective clients and convert them into buyers further down the sales funnel.

When a prospect opts in or subscribes to something you offer and is "qualified". This is the moment when the prospective customer or "Unqualified Lead" is qualified. It's because they took an action that indicates that they may be interested in buying your product or services.

You need to drive targeted traffic on your blog, website or squeeze page in order for your front-end system to function. PPC adverts articles, banners, article marketing, PPC advertisements, social media (Google+ Twitter Facebook YouTube), YouTube, banners, blog posting, forum posting and many other sources are among the most effective methods and sources.

There are many ways to "qualify" an "unqualified potential customer. One of the best ways to qualify prospects is by creating a squeeze page. This allows you provide something valuable to your product which people can get for free or at a significantly reduced price, in exchange for their email address and name. There are a variety of products to choose from such as newsletters, videos, emails, courses ebooks, as well as related reports.

The front-end of your sales funnel is where prospects are attracted to you. What about the back-end of your sales funnel?


The Back-End, or Bottom of The Funnel

The bottom or back end of the funnel where main sales and profits are generated. It is also where you'll find your most expensive products. They are usually relevant to the exact same market, but in different formats like audio or video live interaction, private consultation.

The major difference between the front and back-ends lies in the kind of client as well as the cost of the product/service being provided.

Although it's the case that a small percentage of people will be able to enter your front-end, only 1-2% will actually be able to make it into your back-end. Because a few people will spend more money, it's okay.

Products and services that are front-end may be priced at less than $100 but back-end services, products, and services typically run between 100 and 1000 dollars. This make the bottom or back end of the sales funnel the main source of revenue for your Internet company, and it's the most reliable and stable part of the sales funnel.

As I mentioned in the past the sales funnel is customizable as much as your creativity and resources allow.

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